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Jury selection for the murder trial of man who killed his wife and wounded his mother-in-law with a meat cleaver in 2017 is scheduled to begin Monday in Burlington.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys agree that Aita Gurung attacked his wife and her mother on October 12, 2017. Gurung’s defense lawyers argue that their client should be found not guilty by reason of insanity. He has remained in state custody since the incident.
Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George dropped the charges against Gurung in 2019, saying at the time that the evidence against him was insufficient to overcome an insanity defense. Gov. Phil Scott publicly disagreed with George’s decision and asked then-Attorney General TJ Donovan to review the case. After performing the review, Donovan re-filed the charges.
At one point in the proceedings, Gurung was found not competent to stand trial. However, Gurung’s defense later agreed with prosecutors that he is competent and can be prosecuted.
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